Blog #2: Foundation of Government



                                                             Foundation of Government 

    Some important information that I learned was just how much influence the case of Marbury v Madison had. I always knew that it was important in the development of the supreme court however I never thought about just how essential it was. Without this case the supreme court would've easily fell apart since it did not have anything to fall back on. This case was responsible for specifying the powers of the Supreme Court by allowing them to review the constitutionality of the president and congressional laws.        

    The most important take away for me was that every case only contributes to the development of the Supreme Court. Furthermore these cases help establish the precedent for the future by expanding different topics.

    After reading about the Supreme Court I was surprised to learn bout Chief Justice Earl Warren who was responsible for supporting African Americans through his decisions. Some of his most important decisions include banning segregation in school, implementation of the Miranda rights, and allowing interracial marriage. Furthermore this is significant for me not only because of the political climate of that time period but also because of the fact that he had the role of Chief Justice for over a decade while doing this.          

    How I see the Supreme Court has not necessarily changed since I have always known the importance of the Supreme Court handling new situations. However now I have a better understanding of how specific instances like John Marshall's involvement and the case Marbury v. Madison helped to establish the foundation for the Supreme Court's system of power. 


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