
Showing posts from March, 2022

Blog Post #4 Cassette Tapes

                                                                          Cassette Tapes             Cassette tapes were created in 1962 by Lou Ottens in the Philips company in Belgium. Lou was a Dutchman who came up with the idea of cassette tapes while experimenting with reel-to-reel tape recorder. He wanted something more user-friendly since reel-to-reel technology was heavier and mostly used by trained professionals. Cassette tapes were built to be compact and used magnetic tape to record. Furthermore this tape  allowed the user to record and separate tracks of audio to create their own playlist. This played a major role in the creation of mix-tapes in the causing cassettes to greatly increase in popularity throughout the 1970s and 1980s.  Cassette Tapes eventually becoming apart of the global market through the implementation of better sound quality and more size variety. These massive improvements that came from the cassette lead to its sales surpassing the 8 track ,another m

Blog #3 Limit Governmental Power

       Out of all the free expression values I value the concept of checks on governmental power the most because I feel as if it's the most useful as of today. The government has historically been known to use its powers in ways that can be deemed as unjust. One recent example was during the BLM protest after violent protest began to emerge every protest within the area was prevented by the government regardless if it was violent or peaceful. Evidence of this can be seen by the peaceful protest near the White House in which protesters were shot with rubber bullets and forced the disperse. There was other incidents as well such as the Oakland protest in which 40 arrest were issued and tear gas was thrown without warning thus violating their rights. After this series of civil unrest concluded the government pretended that it never happened not even considering any changes to be made to the police system which reinforced the idea that police brutality is not a government priority.

Blog #2: Foundation of Government

                                                                                                                Foundation of Government       Some important information that I learned was just how much influence the case of Marbury v Madison had. I always knew that it was important in the development of the supreme court however I never thought about just how essential it was. Without this case the supreme court would've easily fell apart since it did not have anything to fall back on. This case was responsible for specifying the powers of the Supreme Court by allowing them to review the constitutionality of the president and congressional laws.              The most important take away for me was that every case only contributes to the development of the Supreme Court. Furthermore these cases help establish the precedent for the future by expanding different topics.     After reading about the Supreme Court I was surprised to learn bout Chief Justice Earl Warren who was responsi

Blog #1: News Sources I Use

                                                                                              Instagram        Instagram is one of the most popular apps today with over a billion active users. I use Instagram as a way to acquire information about current events quickly due to how organized it is. Depending on who and how many people you follow you're able to track multiple post throughout the day when a situation is being updated which helps with staying informed. Furthermore the number of post on a particular subject also can be used to judge credibility of the original post.                                                                                                       YouTube        YouTube provides in depth content that is useful when I want to learn more about certain news. On YouTube if there is a recording its more likely to play the full video compared to Instagram since the goal of most content creators is to get the audience to watch for at least 10 minutes for ad