Blog #1: News Sources I Use

    Instagram is one of the most popular apps today with over a billion active users. I use Instagram as a way to acquire information about current events quickly due to how organized it is. Depending on who and how many people you follow you're able to track multiple post throughout the day when a situation is being updated which helps with staying informed. Furthermore the number of post on a particular subject also can be used to judge credibility of the original post.   
    YouTube provides in depth content that is useful when I want to learn more about certain news. On YouTube if there is a recording its more likely to play the full video compared to Instagram since the goal of most content creators is to get the audience to watch for at least 10 minutes for ad revenue. Furthermore when discussing these issues You Tubers will break down the situation and offer their opinion on it. This is something I value because commentary allows me to see not only the influences perspective but also the opposing perspectives in the comment section. 
    Another source of news is from my friends. Situations brought up in conversations or articles sent in a group chat I can rely on to provide me with basic information on a topic. This allows me to see my friends' opinion on the source as well as opening the gate for further research on the topic to be done. I only recommend getting information from your friends as a way to learn essential details before looking for more information. This is because friends are easily able to influence your opinions if you're not aware of any flaws in logic.  
    I rarely use this as a source of solely news rather as a source of perspectives. I use Reddit knowing that I'll disagree with majority of the users on it due to its racist environment however it gives me a chance to see how these people think as well as the different methods they use to twist logic. One plus about Reddit is that when information is being displayed its more explicit than what I would find on Instagram or YouTube which helps me have a better understanding of the emotions people are feeling in response to a situation or topic. 




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