Found Character #1 - Amaterasu

                                                          Found Character #1


                                                            Inspiration for my character 

This storm drain found behind Cottrell featured a series of unique patterns that enticed me to look deeper into it. 

At first started drawing the different circles on paper to see if I could make anything out of it. I eventually noticed that some of the circles featured a humanoid like torso that I could work with.

Religious Concept 

Behind the torso I noticed a ring which gave me the idea to make my character a deity of some sort. Furthermore, there are many examples of God-like beings in Japanese mythology that have symbolic rings them like Asura and Raijin. With this in the back of my mind and the boiling sun on the back of my neck I finally decided what character I should make.

Thunder God Raijin


I found that drawing my own take on Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun, was a tad bit challenging since I am terrible at drawing hair. After a few attempts ugly looking attempts, I decided to make small indents in the hair strands instead of large unnatural details which greatly improved how my sketch turned out.

Character Background/Theory 
In Shinto Amaterasu is said to live in a heaven referred to as Takama no Hara.
My version of Amaterasu however exists wherever there is heat hence the twirling flames on her dress. This means that her body can be split into all live flames at once. Another thing that separates my Amaterasu from others is the ring like structure around her. This constantly emits a blinding light that acts not only as a personal sun defense mechanism but also a as demon purifier for her flame bodies that roam the underworld. 


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