Found Character #6 Glide -Eye



Today I decided to use this oriental design I found in the Stout building for my character. When I originally saw this, I thought that it looked like a kite thus making me think of how I could make a kite into a game enemy. 

Character Lore/Theory 
Glide Eye is a common enemy that can be found within an open world rpg. It will shoot blazing laser beams at the protagonist and attempt to slice them with their sharp robotic claws. Despite their robotic claws and metallic make up it is unknown if Glide Eye's are actually robots or biological cyborgs. They are unable to communicate however they do have the capacitary to understand humans and exhibit a plethora of strange behaviors. When something enters the confines of their territory, they strike without mercy. 

Psychology: Glide eyes have a history of learning and adapting to the world around them. Some think that this may be the reason for their mysterious behaviors. Glide Eyes study the strategies of the protagonist and develop tactics to counter them. In game if the player previously killed Glide eyes with a specific weapon and or party during the next battle the Glide Eye will be able to dodge more attacks and deal more attacks unless something is changed. 

Sociological: Gilde Eye's are seen as a piece of unknown technology linking to a forgotten civilization. Many scientists from across the world wish to study them however due to the Glide Eye's defense mechanisms it is very difficult for scientist to get a hold of them let alone uncover their secrets. 

Character Growth/Development: After seeing how disposable they the antagonist Glide-eyes not only turn against the antagonist, but they begin to develop empathy for certain animals by allowing them to roam in their territory. 


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